Contrary to what Christian propaganda claims, animal sacrifice is NOT part of Satanism. We’ll explore rule number 10 of the 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth and what it means for Satanists in this episode of Satansplain.
Magister Bill M. here with Satansplain. At the time of this recording, it is the week of Thanksgiving, 2024. As with any cultural holiday, it’s up to the individual Satanist to decide what holidays they want to celebrate, and how. Personally, I love Thanksgiving. I’m a life-long New Englander, so it’s always been part of my family celebrations. In the previous episode of Satansplain I talked a little bit about the so-called seven deadly sins, and talked in particular about two of them, anger and envy. But when it comes to Thanksgiving, two OTHER sins of the seven come to mind: gluttony and sloth. So I shamelessly celebrate both of those in my celebration of Thanksgiving. As for the remaining 3 sins, there is lust of course, which I think I covered well in Satansplain episode number sixty-nine. Yes, I took advantage of that episode number for that topic. So maybe we’ll do episodes on pride and greed in the future. We’ll see.